Franchise your business in China di Liu Chunhong - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Franchise your business in China

  • Autore: Liu Chunhong
  • Editore: Aracne
  • Isbn: 9788825515817
  • Categoria: Diritto
  • Traduttore: Caffi D.
  • Numero pagine: 176
  • Data di Uscita: 22/06/2018
10,00 €

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The idea, for this project came up from the fact that more and more of the Italian and international companies are willing to export their services/produces into a lucrative and hug market in China. With little doubt, China has become a huge or maybe even the largest consumer market in the world. It is also hailed as the most important consumer market of the century. Nevertheless, the operation to do business in China could not be easy as a strong knowledge of Chinese legal system is an indispensable pre-requisite for any kind of commercial operations. By using Franchising Agreements, the Italian companies could obtain an easy chain and expansion capital, high financial returns for relatively little risk, additional and increasing revenue streams through royalties, less risk of management frauds and better productivity performances. In the end, this project is suppose to assist the Italian and international companies interested in the expanding of their business overseas gaining more understanding's and insight into how their business could run successfully.

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