MRI of the abdomen: technique and imaging findings. Con Contenuto digitale (fornito elettronicamente) di Vanzulli A. (cur.); Colagrande S. (cur.); Grazioli L. (cur.) - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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MRI of the abdomen: technique and imaging findings. Con Contenuto digitale (fornito elettronicamente)

  • Editore: Poletto
  • Isbn: 9788895033846
  • Categoria: Scienze mediche. medicina
  • Numero pagine: 684
  • Data di Uscita: 09/04/2021
200,00 €

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The first part of the book describes physical concepts of MRI: this section is addressed mainly to radiologists, simplifying difficult concepts and giving suggestions for further knowledge. These pages should allow the reader a more aware approach to the study of the subsequent chapters. The second part is focused on the diseases of the different abdominal organs with descriptions of the main semeiotic features, typical diagnostic protocols, and of most frequent pathologic conditions. In many chapters we have added the protocols and diseases that can be observed in pediatric patients.

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